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Should technology companies be the culture police?



Just like with every point in time, there is always something that has the human race under its control. We have had religion, customs and traditions do their thing over time, and today technology is the connecting force that is holding this phase in time spellbound though some people consider it a choke hold. This era of technology culture does come with a lot of mixed feelings, I personally can't imagine what life was without all the help we get from the technology we have today.


This time of technology dominance has experienced groundbreaking feats in health all the way down to the ridiculous banter between the iPhone and Android users.


The influence tech has on your everyday person is of high impact, and to some people, the said influence would only get worse in the foreseeable future.


Two aspects of the technological revolution that people swear would affect the world negatively in the future and has already begun even, is the social use of tech and the use of tech in the work sector.


This age has experienced a change in the way we go about our work and the way we relate to people. Though being able to connect with friends, family as well as meet new people using social media and other accessible means of communication is a blessing to most of us, some other people swear that it is slowly changing the way we relate with the people we love.


A lot of people say because we rely so much on tech to check up on our friends and family, we hardly make an effort to see them in person and spend time with them like we would have if we had no phones and social media.


Some other people also believe that because we have so much access to new people on social media, we tend to get carried away with the idea that we can also make new acquaintance with ease and pay less attention to those we already know. This lack of effort sometimes is also believed to cause strains in relationships.


The general opinion on how tech affects relationships, in general, is that humans have begun to lose their humanity and touch with how actual human interactions are supposed to work.


As the years progressed and technology advanced, industries and the workforce, in general, began to introduce the use of tech input to support the already available human input to bring about an increase in quality work output in different sectors of the workforce.


Although this aid from tech was highly welcomed and appreciated in the beginning, this tech slowly began to replace human work input. Jobs like bridge toll collecting, cashiering, factory working, bartending, issuing job prescriptions, research and analysis, transportation, etc., are jobs that are entirely or partially taken over by technology.


There have been conversations on social media about the adverse effects this replacement has on humans; apparently, a lot of people have lost their jobs to tech and it’s affecting the livelihood of individuals, families, communities, etc.


The general fear is that machines would one day entirely displace humans in the workforce and that could ruin lives. There is even conversation going on online asking people to study and get jobs in fields where it would be impossible to get displaced by machines. What are these top-notch fields? I have no idea.


There are also widespread complaints about the dangerous habits people have developed since the social use of technology, i.e., in the era of selfies and needing validation from total strangers, addiction and depression is at an all-time high.


Living fake lives and teens being preyed on by evil characters pretending to be other people online have a lot of parents in the state of raised blood pressure.


With the question of should technology companies be the culture police, I would say that Like with everything else, technology has come to us with its pros and cons and how we handle either of its attributes is really the only form of control we will ever have over it.


It just can't be helped, tech like with everything else would influence certain people a certain way and other people differently. Tech companies and the tech they produce will only affect people the way they allow it to.